Hello TKers... How are you doin today? How's your new year's eve? I hope it full of fireworks and awesome... So first of all let me greet you Happy New Year 2014... Wish this year bring us tons of blessings, joyful and Happiness... Okay.. Maybe you doubt right now about this blog... I know you will think "is it the right blog that I used to read? Coz it written in english..." Hahaha its okay.. You're not in the wrong address... This posting will be the special post coz written in english.., actually i'm so nervous to write an english post considering my english is bad.. I know there will be so many grammatical errors here.. And it will embarrass my self.. But its okay.. I won't mind it since I always embarrassed my self before... So lets start it...
All of you might be wondering why I used english for this post.. And the answer is to make my friend understand with what I tell here... Who is this friend? (Another question).. Okay I will introduce him.. As all you have known that I'm happy to make a new friend, it guided me to meet a new friend in singapore... Actually we haven't met yet.. But soon maybe.. His name is Ron... Since I know him.. We very often chat in line.. And we're friend on path also.. So it made us like know each other as well...
Short story... In the early of December, we talked about christmas and he offered me a christmas presents.. He asked me what do I want for christmas gift... Honestly it makes me surprise coz I never hoping for christmas present since I was in junior high school... Yeah.. I tell the truth... I never get a christmas present since that time.. Maybe cos I'm not a kid anymore.. Or I've been a bad boy for these years and made santa hates me... Its okay.. i dont trust santa anyway... Santa doesn't exist in here.. He just exist in the snowy land.. Since here's we dont have reindeer and fire place.. Okay forget about santa's thing...
Maybe there's no santa like I imagined before (a fat old man with a winter red coat and always laugh with ho ho ho)... But in fact I finally met another santa.. Although he's not fat and not old as hill.. This santa has another name.. Ronald.. I used to called him Ron.. Since he offered me a christmas present.. He already be a Santa Clause for me.. Hahaha
At first I rejected his offer when he asked me the post address.. Coz it feels I dont belong to get a christmas present from him.. And maybe it offend him (I'm sorry I didn't mean it), till he said "You dont need to worry.. I won't send you a bomb." And that time I feel so awkward... Then finally gave him my address...
Day pass.. On Dec 12th, He told me that the christmas present has already sent.. And he hope it will arrive on time... Heard that news I'm so excited for this christmas present... And I know it will take some days to deliver to my address...
Day pass again.. And the package seemed lost.. Coz every he asked "is the package already arrived?" And the answer is "not yet.." Then it made him curious.. And he tracked this package... Evidently it held in the custom... And he asked me to check it to the post office.. And I did it.. But the result is same... The package is till held in the custom... At first I dont understand what "custom" mean here... But finally I know what this custom means.. It means "bea cukai" here...
And the reason why it took some times in the custom is because this present a little bit expensive (above 50$) and it will make some taxes to be paid soon if I want that package... And yes it's true..
Till the Christmas day I still haven't that package yet.. And it made Ron frustrated.. Then he tracked once more for this package.. And it said it has failed delivery... but already arrived at post office so all I need to do just take it in the post office.. But the question is "which post office?" Considering there's so many post office in jakarta...
On Dec 27.. I got a letter from post office regarding the package.. And It told me that I should take the package in Post Office North area of Jakarta (Tanjung Priuk).. And I dont know where the hell is it... But I dont care, I will fight to find that post office to get my christmas gift...
So after get the post office address... I did a new journey to reach this place where I've never gone before.. Thought I'm a brave guy right?! I'm searching this place before by google map to find how to reach it.. Google suggested me for using train from bogor to Jakarta kota and make a transit to Tanjung Priuk train... And after that use taxi to reach the post office... But I didn't do it.. I didn't follow what google told me..
On dec 29, I presumed to reach this place with public bus.. And evidently its the best way ever!

This bus took me to that place easily.. I just need to make stop at ampera station.. And I'm already arrived at that post office...

Just need to walk for some meters... Very easy..

I'm so excited to get my christmas gift at last.. Then I entered the post office to find my package.. And yes... My package is in there... Yeaayyy!!!

But to take it home.. I need to pay the taxes @ idr 250.000 ... how's that expensive!!! Its not right.. Its a gift.. Why I should pay for santa's gift...

But I still paid it in the end.. Its okay lah.. And the achievement is completed!! Yeeeyyy!!
Now the issue is.. how to go back to bogor? Big question... And what i did that day? I just followed my instinct.. Hahaha.. First I took taxi to find transjakarta station.. And it lead me to kelapa gading station...

And from that station I used transjakarta to pluit..

And I made a stop at Jakarta Kota Station... It means I just need to continue it by using a train from Kota to Bogor... Its easy!!! Proud for my instinct... Here's some pictures that I took while waiting the train in Jakarta Kota Station :

Jakarta Kota Station - very crowded !

Inside the Train - It looks so new and very clean!

Short story (again) I arrived at home in bogor safely... Thanks God.. It was a tired day since I skip my lunch that made me hungry like a wolf.. Arriving at home I put out the package from my bag and open it carefully although I'm so excited to see what is in the inside,..

A christmas gift! I mean a real christmas gift with a flower ribbon and a greeting card!

And I opened it... And I got a new watch from santa... Yeaayyy...

I really love this present.. Thank you so much Santa! You dont need to worry anymore since the gift from you is already on my hand... I promise to be a good boy this year.. For another christmas gift next december.. Hahaha kidding..
So thats the story of me to find santa's gift...

Thanks for reading... Proud of my self for I can write a long story in english... Hope you guys understand with my poor english...bye...
wah keren jam tangannya... untung akhirnya gak ilang ya... sayang banget kalo ilang.
ReplyDeletetapi gile perjuangan ngambilnya ribet ya tom... dari bogor kudu ke jakarta utara. hahaha.
Iyah ko... Untung banget gak sampe ilang... Kasian yang ngasihnya ampe stress gitu nanyain mulu dah sampe mana si paketnya... Udah gitu mau ambil barangnya juga jauh aja... Ke daerah tanjung priuk gitu yang hampir gak pernah dikunjungi wilayahnya....
DeleteWell done...good job...hahaha.. like it wear it
ReplyDeleteI will wear it soon.. haven't adjusted yet ^^
DeleteGood job.....hahaha..*Love It Wear It*
ReplyDeleteyahh ampunn...hadiah dari Santa claus elu susah amattt sih teka...kudu pake perjuangan banget yaa...hehehe. tapi untung happy ending deh. gileee itu harus cari di antara tumpukan sebegitu banyak dan berantakan yaa? liatnya aja udah males kalo jadi petugasnya. hahahaa
ReplyDeleteiyah perjuangan bangeeeetss... hahaha sampe tadinya udah mau direlain aja.. tapi tau harganya cukup mahal jadi diperjuangin deh.. hahahah...
Deletepenuh perjuangan ya:) Senang akhrnya bisa ambil hadiahnya
ReplyDeleteiyah terbayarkan lah perjuangannya... ^^
Deletewah, pajaknya besar juga ya :O hadiahnya bagus :) selamat natal dan tahun baru, ya :)
ReplyDeleteIya nih lumayan besar yah... Thanks yah
DeleteSelamat natal dan tahun baru juga!
aku perlu komen pake english2an jugak gak nih? hahhah..
ReplyDeleteOMG perjuangan banget yahh buat ngejemput kado dari santanya..
bulan depan, jemput kado dari cupid cinta ya *tunjuk diri sendiri* :') #kode #gift #kopdar #vday LOL!
Boleh the kalo mau.. Hahahaha
DeletePerjuangan banget... Klo ga perjuangan gak berasa hadiahnya...
Asiiikk beneran yah dapet coklat lagi... Horeee
hadiahnya kereeeen...
ReplyDeleteKereeeennnn... Hahaha
DeleteBagus jamnya. Worthed lha ke priuk sama bayar pajaknya mahal.
ReplyDeletePulangnya klo mw cepet naik bis priuk lagi di sbrg gudang garam
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ReplyDeletepajaknya besar juga ya :O hadiahnya bagus :) selamat natal dan tahun baru, ya :)