udah dari beberapa hari yang lalu... sejak ToMkuU download lagu2 di Inet, ToMkuU update lagu2 di Ipod dengan lagu2 jadul... (bukan update itu sih)... dan salah satunya ada lagu2nya "The Sound of Music"....
aduh... Film ini tuh udah lama banget loh!!! pertama tayang tahun 1965... tepatnya tanggal 29 maret 1965 di Uk... Film ini tuh merupakan film musical yang ngetop abis... mungkin film ini bukan film musical pertama... tapi mungkin pertama yang paling sukses... bisa di bilang jadi pionir!!!
Dari segi cerita, film ini sangat sederhana dan bersahaja... enak di nikmatinnya... ga kompleks... cerita tentang seorang suster bernama Maria yang keluar dari gereja-Asrama dan dapet tugas di rumah seorang bangsawan (duda beranak 7)... dan bukan itu aja yang bikin heboh... anak2nya bandel semua!!! hm... anaknya klo ga salah 5 cewe 2 laki-laki... nama2nya do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si... hahahaha kidding... yah engga lah... emangnya tangga nada... nama2nya : Liesl, Louisa, Friedrich, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta, dan Gretl....
ceritanya tuh anak2 ini terkenal killer banget... sampe pengasuh gak ada yang betah barang 1 hari aja... tapi si suster maria ini bisa mengangani mereka dengan musik.... sampai akhirnya merka sangat menyayangi si suster maria ini seperti mamanya...
Banyak banget kisah2 lucu dan seru yang ada di dalemnya... jadi gak rugi deh buat temen2 yang mungkin belum pernah nonton nih film... film ini termasuk film yang melegenda loh!!! sampe saat ini lagu2nya sering di nyayiin... dan mungkin pernaj juga di nyanyiin ma temen2 di sekolah... kaya lagu do re mi.. atau edelweiss...
Dari segi lagu pun semuanya sangat apik... berbeda banget sama lagu2 jaman sekarang yang terkadang meaningfull... tapi lagu2 di film ini dibuat dengan begitu manis... dari melodi dan liriknya.... bener2 bisa menyampaikan emosi di dalamnya... dan berhasil banget memberikan kesan pada filmnya... selain filmnya yang sukses luncur... lagu2nya juga di kemas menjadi sebuah CD yang laku juga!!!
berikut judul2 lagunya....
- "Prelude"(1959)
Music by Richard Rodgers
Played during the opening aerial shots - "The Sound of Music"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by Julie Andrews in a pre-credit sequence
Played during the opening and closing credits
Reprised by Christopher Plummer (dubbed by Bill Lee), Charmian Carr,
Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright,
, Debbie Turner and Kym Karath
Reprised by them with Charmian Carr playing guitar
Played as background music often - "Do-Re-Mi"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Played during the opening credits
Played on guitar by Julie Andrews
Sung by Julie Andrews, Charmian Carr, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies,
Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner and Kym Karath
Reprised by them at the Salzburg folk festival
Played as background music often - "My Favorite Things"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Played during the opening credits
Sung by Julie Andrews to the children
Reprised by the orchestra at the party
Danced to by the party guests and the children
Reprised by Julie Andrews, Charmian Carr, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies,
Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner and Kym Karath,
, when Maria returns as governess
Played as background music often - "I Have Confidence"
Played during the opening credits
Music and Lyrics by Richard Rodgers
Sung by Julie Andrews while going to the Von Trapps
Played as background music - "Preludium (Dixit Dominus)"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by the Nun's Chorus - "Morning Hymn"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by the Nun's Chorus - "Alleluia"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by the Nun's Chorus - "Maria"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by Peggy Wood (dubbed by Margery McKay), Anna Lee, Portia Nelson,
Marni Nixon, Evadne Baker and an unidentified nun
Reprised by the Nun's Chorus at Maria's wedding - "Sixteen Going on Seventeen"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung and Danced to by Daniel Truhitte and Charmian Carr
Reprised by Julie Andrews and Charmian Carr - "The Lonely Goatherd"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by Julie Andrews, Charmian Carr, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies,
Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner and Kym Karath
With the puppets of Bil Baird and Cora Baird - "Edelweiss"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Played by Charmian Carr on guitar
Sung by Christopher Plummer (dubbed by Bill Lee) and Charmian Carr
Played by the orchestra and danced to by guests at the party
Sung by Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer (dubbed by Bill Lee),
Charmian Carr, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies, Duane Chase,
, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner and Kym Karath and the audience at the Salzburg folk festival
Played as background music often - "So Long, Farewell"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by Charmian Carr, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies, Duane Chase,
Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner and Kym Karath at the party
Reprised by them, Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer (dubbed by Bill Lee) at the Salzburg folk festival
Variations played as background music during the escape - "How Can Love Survive"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Music only played by the orchestra at the party - "Climb Ev'ry Mountain"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Sung by Peggy Wood (dubbed by Margery McKay)
Reprised by the Nun's Chorus at the end - "Something Good"
Music and Lyrics by Richard Rodgers
Sung by Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer (dubbed by Bill Lee) - "Processional"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Played on organ at Maria's wedding
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Thanks yah TKers udah mau baca tulisan TK yang gak seberapa ini.. kalau TKers suka sama tulisan TK, kiranya rela meninggalkan sedikit komen di sini.. komen kalian lah yang membuat TK semangat untuk terus ngeblog...